Exhibitions included:
1928, Lille: Neoplastic work with the STUCA group
1929–*1930: Exhibition with the Cercle et Carré group created by Michel Seuphor and Torrès-Garcia.
1930, Nantes: with the L’Etrave artistic group
1931, Paris: Display of his first relief in an exhibition of Groupe *1940
1945, Paris: Exposition Art concret, Galerie René Drouin.
1946: Salon des Réalités Nouvelles, of which he was secretary
1948, New York: Exposition of abstract constructive art
1957, Paris: 50 years of abstract paintings organized by the Creuze gallery.
First one-man show at the Galerie Colette Allendy
1958, Saint-Étienne: The first generations of abstract art
1960, Liège: Musée de l’Art Wallon
1965, Nantes: Retrospective at the Musée des Beaux-Arts
1966, Chicago: Exposition at the Kazimir Gallery
1967, Amsterdam: Retrospective at the Stedelijk Museum
1969, Paris: Retrospective at the Centre national d’art contemporain
1974, Paris: Exhibition at the Galerie Denise René
1977, Nantes: Retrospective at the Musée des Beaux-Arts
1977, Paris: Centre Pompidou
1999, Blain: Hommage du mouvement Madi à Gorin, Château de la Groulais
1999, Grenoble: Exposition Jean Gorin